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FxPro Financial Services Ltd은 2006년7월31일에 등록되며 2007년3월05일에 허가증을 받았습니다.
영국 금융 감찰 기관('FSA')은 2010년8월18일에FxPro UK Limited에 규정을 발급합니다. 본 허가증은 2013년4월1일에 금융 실시 기관 (FCA)에 의한 연장되며 FSA는 파업하고 ('PRA') 안전법 기관 및 FCA로 구분합니다.
FxPro Global Markets MENA Limited은 2017년7월03일에 설립되며 2017년10월26일에F003333번호 DFSA허가증을 받았습니다.
FxPro Global Markets Ltd은 2016년에 등록되고 2017년에 SCB에서 허가증을 받았습니다.
우리는 다양한 법률 영역 4가지를 제공해서 고객은 등록할 수 있습니다. 단, 이것은 여러분의 거주 국가에 따라 다릅니다. 등록 양식을 확인하며 어떤 법률 영역을 사용할 수 있는 지 확인할 수 있습니다.
FxPro Financial Services Ltd은 키프 로스 증권 & 거래 위원회 (‘CySEC’) 및 남아프리카 공화국 금융 서비스 위원회(‘FSB’)에 의한 조정될 수 있습니다. FxPro UK Limited은 금융 실행 기관 (FCA)에 의한 조정됩니다. FxPro Global Markets MENA Limited은 두바이 금융 서비스 실행 기관(‘DFSA’)에 의한 조정됩니다. FxPro Global Markets Limited은Bahamas 증권 위원회(‘SCB’)에 의한 위임되고 조정합니다.
FxPro는 스왑 무료 계정을 제공합니다. 특정 악기에 대한 거래가 지정된 일수 동안 열리면 커미션이 적용될 수 있습니다. 스왑 무료 계정을 신청하려면 [email protected]의 백 오피스 부서에 이메일 요청을 보내십시오. FxPro 스왑 무료 계정에 대한 자세한 내용은 고객 지원부에 문의하십시오.
공동 계좌를 개설하려면 각 사람은 별도FxPro거래 계좌를 개설하고 공동 계좌 요구서 양식을 작성해야 합니다. [email protected]에서 우리의 관리부에 문의함으로써 이것을 수행할 수 있습니다.
공동 계좌는 공동 은행 계좌가 있거나 1년 이상 동거하는 부부, 친적, 개인에게만 사용할 수 있습니다.
FxPro UK Limited의 고객은USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CHF, JPY 및 PLN으로 거래 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다.
FxPro Financial Services Limited의 고객은EUR, GBP , AUD, CHF, JPY, PLN 및 ZAR으로 거래 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다.
FxPro Global Markets Limited의 고객은 USD, EUR, GBP, AUD 및 JPY로 거래 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다.
FxPro Global Markets MENA Limited의 고객은USD, GBP 및 EUR으로 거래 계좌를 개설할 수 있습니다.
화폐 유형을 선택하고 상기 어떤 화폐로 거래할 수 있습니다, 입금하고 출금할 화폐와 동일한 Wallet (Vault) 화폐를 선택하면 좋겠습니다, 전환 비용을 피하십니다. 받은 화폐가 거래 계좌에서 화폐와 다르면 거래하기 전에 거래하는 계좌에서 화폐 단위로 환전할 것입니다.
우리는cTrader, 시장 출시/진입하는 명령으로 MT4, 즉시 시장 출시/진입하는 명령으로 MT4, 고정spread으로 MT4 및 시장 출시/진입하는 명령을 MT5를 포함하는 다양한 계좌를 제공합니다. 아래 페이지에서 기능 및 계좌들의 유용한 비교표를 볼 수 있습니다:
FCA에 따르면Spreadbetting계좌는 영국 거주자에게도 제공됩니다. DFSA에 따르면 MT4 및cTrader만 기존 있습니다.
FxPro의 고객인데 여러분은 원하는 만큼 데모 계좌를 얼마 개설할 수 있습니다. 데모 계좌는 원하는 만큼 언제까지 사용할 수 있으며FxPro Direct을 통한 모든 시점에는 재입금할 수 있습니다. 단, 30일내에 활동이 없으면 데모 계좌는 비활성화될 수 있습니다. 우리의 MT4 및 MT5데모 계좌는 개설하는 위치 70개에서 절대 제한됩니다.
또한, 데모 계좌는 실제 시장 가격 및 조건을 표현하면 이것은 모방하는 것만이며 시장개방, 소식 통지와 같은 현금화하거나 변동하는 단계에는 사 실 계좌와 같은 운영할 수 없습니다. 동일한 거래는 실제 계좌에서 요구되고 데모 계좌는 변동하는 단계에는 다양한 처리될 수 있으므로 경험을 부족하고 거래자에게 적용하는 학습 도구 또는 새로운 거래 전략 테스트 위치와 동일한 데모 계좌를 주로 생각하면 좋겠습니다.
FxPro 에서 인증되면 계정에 자금을 입금할 수 있습니다.
신분을 확인하려면 유효한 국제 여권, 주민등 록증 또는 운전 면허증 사본이 필요합니다.
또한 귀하의 이름과 주소를 보여주는 거주 증명 서류(지난 6개월 이내의 발급일자)를 요청할 수 있습니다.
필요한 문서 및 현재 인증 상태는 FxPro Direct를 통해 언제든지 볼 수 있습니다.
https://edge.fxpro.co.uk로 접속하고 로그인 정보를 입력하여 FxPro Edge에 로그인 할 수 있습니다.
계정이 여러 개인 경우 다음 화면에서 사용할 계정을 선택할 수 있습니다.
오른쪽 상단 드롭 다운을 클릭하여 다른 계정으로 전환 할 수 있습니다.
새로운 주문을 하는 방법에는 여러 가지가 있습니다.:
열린 포지션을 수동으로 닫으려면 먼저 Positions / Orders 위젯에서 주문을 찾아야합니다. '주문 닫기'버튼 (원클릭 거래 활성화시)을 클릭하거나 주문을 더블 클릭하여 나타나는 대화 상자에서 닫을 수 있습니다.
유효한 스톱로스 또는 이익실현 주문을 설정한 경우 가격이 지정한 레벨 중 하나에 도달하면 주문이 종료됩니다.
닫힌 모든 포지션은 '기록' 위젯에 남습니다
보류 주문은 계좌가 일정한 가격에 도달하면 귀하가 미리 지정한 포지션을 열도록하는 명령입니다. 'Limit'또는 'Stop' 탭을 선택하여 주문 대화 상자를 통해 보류중인 주문을 설정 할 수 있습니다. 그러면 대화 상자에서 보류중인 주문에 대한 가격 및 만료 날짜 / 시간을 설정할 수 있습니다.
바이 스톱 및 셀 리밋은 현재 시장 가격보다 높게 배치해야하며 셀 리밋은 현재 시장 가격보다 낮아야합니다.
또는 차트를 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭하여 보류 주문을 즉시 넣을수 있습니다.
이것은 귀하가 스톱 로스 또는 이익 실현 수준을 현재 가격에 너무 가까이 설정했기 때문일 수 있습니다. 또는 현재 가격에 대비하여 잘못된 쪽에 설정했을 수도 있습니다.
숏 포지션 (매도 주문)의 경우, 손절매는 현재 시장 가격보다 높게 설정되어야하며 이익 실현은 현재 시장 가격보다 낮게 설정해야합니다.
각 플랫폼의 최소 스톱 레벨은 심볼 사양에서 확인할 수 있습니다. https://www.fxpro.com/trading/forex
사이드 바에서 '+'버튼을 클릭하여 위젯을 추가하여 작업 공간을 사용자 정의 할 수 있습니다. 위젯을 이동하고, 재배열하고, 크기를 재조정 할 수 있습니다.
다음 중 하나를 클릭하여 계정 성과를 볼 수 있습니다.:
a) 맨위의 바
b) 사이드 바에있는 '계정 성과' 아이콘
마진 레벨 (%) 은 트레이딩 플랫폼에 계산되어 나옵니다: 평가잔고 / 마진 X 100.
FxPro는 마이너 스 잔고 보호 (FxPro 주문 실행 정책에 따라)을 제공하여 고객이 전체 투자금보다 더 많은 손실을 입지 않도록합니다.
스탑 아웃 레벨은 모든 계좌 타입에 {{percent}}%가 적용됩니다.
For cTrader accounts, Spotware’s '스마트 스탑 아웃' 로직이 사용됩니다.
Leverage affects the funds required to place a position, multiplying your buying power, allowing you to open a position larger than your deposit. Leverage requires you to post collateral with us in the form of margin and the higher the leverage the less the required margin to open a position of equivalent value or for the same initial margin you can open much larger positions.
Initial margin | Leverage | Buying Power (units) |
$1,000 | 1:1 | $1,000 |
$1,000 | 1:10 | $10,000 |
$1,000 | 1:33 | $33,000 |
Leverage can be expressed either as a Ratio, or in a % format. Both are displayed on our website for easy understanding.
For example, saying you have leverage 1:20 is the same as saying you are required to have a margin that is only 5% of the overall value of the trade.
Excessive use of leverage can of course be very risky because it can magnifies your P&Land this can lead to large losses which can lead to stop out, the automatic closing of your position. This is because your collateral available to sustain potential losses and not fall below the ‘maintenance margin’ required so that your position is not liquidated, is much less as a % of the position when using higher leverage.
Also note that higher leverage increases the effect of spread and Swap fees as a % on your invested capital. For example if the spread on an instrument as a % is 0.1% and you open a trade with 20 times leverage the spread cost as a % on your deposited margin will be 2%.
With leverage 1:5 you would need to deposit EUR 20,000 to open 1 lot of EURUSD (100,000) , while at leverage 1:30 you could open the same trade with only EUR 3,333.
Please refer to the margin calculator, https://www.fxpro.com/trading-tools/calculators/all-in-one. Here you can test how much of your margin will be needed to open a trade at different leverages and with different lot sizes
VWAP stands for ‘Volume Weighted Average Price’ and applies to market execution orders
If the requested volume is not available all at the same price, the order will automatically execute the maximum volume at the best available price, and then the remaining volume at the next best price and so forth. An average of all these prices is then taken, which is the price the order will execute at (the VWAP).
All stop orders, once triggered, are subject to ‘Market Execution’ which means that FxPro will automatically aggregate all available liquidity at the best possible prices and fill your stop orders at first available VWAP. The VWAP price may be on, above, or below your requested price.
Please see the relevant section of our Order Execution policy: Market Execution Order Market order is the intention to either buy or sell at the current market price, subject to the liquidity available. In the event, there is not enough liquidity at the top of the book to fill a Client’s market order, the system will automatically aggregate the volume received from third party liquidity/ price provider(s) and execute the market order at the ‘Volume-Weighted Average Price’ (‘VWAP’), subject to the liquidity available at the time of the execution.
The image above shows a snapshot of the Depth of Market for EURUSD.
The right hand side shows ASK prices (price at which you buy)
The left hand side shows BID prices (price at which you sell)
Each tier displays the volume available at each price tier. For example, a trade of 2.50 lots or lower, would receive the top of the book price (the first row of prices). And for trade size above this, the overall price would be calculated according to the price tiers and volumes available at each.
For example, lets say we want to Sell 8 lots (800k units of EUR). The order will be executed as follows:
250,000 * 1.16520 = 291,300
500,000 * 1.16519 = 582,595
50,000 * 1.16518 = 58,259
You then add up all the tiers = 932,154 and divide by your trade size in units
932,154 / 800,000 = 1.16519 (rounded to 5 decimal places)
A ‘Market Order’ applies to the MT4 Market, cTrader, MT5 & FxPro platforms and dictates that you want to enter the market at the current market price, no matter what that may be. Market Orders are filled at VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), meaning that you may receive a price above, below or on the price you saw when you executed the order.
Market Execution is also applied to all ‘Stop’ orders across all of our platforms. (Stop losses, Stop outs & pending stop orders).
Because different LPs will have different prices and available liquidity, the available volume is tiered and large orders may be executed at a non-‘top of the book’ price. Top of the book means the best Bid / Ask prices are streamed in the platform. The Market Depth however is much more complex than this and Market Execution accounts for this. Please refer to our ‘What is VWAP?’ question for further information.
A ‘Stop Loss’ order is used to limit losses, or potentially to take a profit after a loss.
It can be attached to an order at the time of opening, or you can modify a position and add a stop loss at a later time. It can also be attached to a Pending Order.
A Stop Loss must be placed below the current market price on Buy positions, and above the current market price on Sell positions.
All Stop orders, which include Stop Losses, are executed with ‘Market Execution’, which means that once the order is triggered, it is filled at the current market price at that time (VWAP).
The VWAP can be on, above or below the requested price.
This means that especially during times of high volatility, you may receive a much different price than your specified stop level, which is referred to as ‘Negative Slippage’.
A ‘Take Profit’ order is used to lock in profits at a specified price, or potentially to limit further losses after a substantial gain.
It can be attached to an order at the time of opening, or you can modify a position and add a take profit at a later time. It can also be attached to a Pending Order.
A Take Profit must be placed above the current market price on Buy positions, and below the current market price on Sell positions.
All ‘Limit’ orders, which includes Take Profit, are executed with ‘Limit Execution’, which means that you will receive your requested price or better. At the time your Take profit is triggered, if a price exists in the market which is in your favour, FxPro will fill you at the better price.
It is not possible therefore, to receive a worse price on a ‘Limit’ order such as Take Profit.
Take profits on long positions will be triggered for execution once the ‘BID’ price reaches your take profit level. Take profits on short positions will be triggered for execution once the ‘ASK’ price reaches your take profit level.
A ‘Stop Out’ is a triggering of a forced automatic closing of a trader's positions in case that person's trading account equity falls below a certain threshold.
Margin level is displayed on the platform as a % anytime you have open positions, and is calculated as: Equity / Initial Margin *100
Equity means the balance + unrealised P&L in each trading account and does not include any balance in your FxPro Wallet.
The Stop Out level is 50%, depending on your jurisdiction. This means that once your Equity falls to a value equal to 50% of your initial margin, stop out(s) will begin to occur.
So, with an initial deposit of $1000, and an initial margin of $100, you are left with a Free Margin of $900. If losses reach $900, you will have 0 Free Margin remaining, and your margin level % at this time would be 100% (100 equity / 100 Initial margin = 100%). If losses continue and eventually reach $950, the 50% Stop out would be triggered. (50 equity / 100 used margin = 50%)
Now that we have explained how the stop out is applied, let’s see an example at which price you would be stopped out.
You open a Buy position of 100 barrels of Brent Oil (0.1 lot) at a price of $55 per barrel. This position is using a leverage of 10 times (1:10) and you started with $600 in your account.
Initial margin is 1/10= 10% of the exposure. The exposure, in this case, is 100 barrels times 55= $5,500. So, your initial margin is 550, leaving $50 free margin.
The price starts to fall, and we want to find out at what price Equity will be equal to 50% of initial margin. To do this, we need to calculate the price at which our loss will be 50% of 550 = 275, plus the free margin because as we explained in previous example above, losses are first used against free margin. So, the total loss would be 325 or 3.25 per barrel since our position is 100 barrels. When the price drops by 3.25 and reaches (50-3.25) $46.75, that is the BID price, you will be stopped out.
Stop Outs help to prevent trading accounts from falling into a negative balance, however, in very volatile markets, or during market gaps, it is not always possible to fill orders at a specific level and there might be significant slippage when Stop out orders are executed.
As default, price charts are built using the BID price, however, it is the ASK price (the higher price) at which Sell order closures are triggered or buy positions are opened.
You can add the current ask price to the chart on all our platforms if it is not already shown as default.
On MT4 and MT5 go to Charts >Properties and tick the box to ‘Show Ask line’.
On cTrader, right click in the chart and go to ‘Viewing Options’ and tick the ‘Ask Price line’ option.
On the FxPro App, the Ask price appears as default
Slippage refers to instances where the executed price differs from your requested price. I.e. the price ‘slipped’.
Slippage occurs when your Market Order is triggered and filled at a price different to that which you have requested. The difference may only be minimal, or it could be significant. Price Gaps and increased volatility can result in substantial slippage in some cases.
This is a normal market practice and a regular feature of the foreign exchange markets under conditions such as illiquidity and volatility due to news announcements, economic events and market openings. The slippage can be positive or negative. Slippage can also occur when larger orders are partly executed at tier 2 or even Tier 3 prices (see question What is VWAP).
Although we are not required to do so, we publish our Execution Statistics every year on our website: https://www.fxpro.com/pricing/model
You have a long (buy) position of 1000 barrels (1lot) of WTI prior to market closing at price $50.00, and you set a take profit at price $50.50 and a stop loss order at $49.5.
However, due to significant news reports over the weekend, at the market opening on Monday, WTI opens with an upward gap at price $51.
Therefore, your take profit order will be triggered once the market reopens (as the price has moved above your take profit level), at the price of $51.00, and will be executed at this price or better.
This is how market gaps and slippage may cause more profit or loss than anticipated and why stop orders such as ‘stop losses’ are never guaranteed to be executed at your requested price.
The difference between the Bid and Ask prices is the ‘Spread’, which is what you pay to the broker in return for placing the order through them.
Therefore, you will notice that trades start in a minus figure, as you need to cover the spread before you begin make profit.
Let’s demonstrate this using an example. You buy 1 lot of EURUSD at $1.0700 the bid and ask prices were $1.0698 and $1.0700. When you buy, you get the Ask price. The price moves in your favour by 5 pips making the new Bid and Ask prices $1.0703 and $1.0705. You close the trade by selling at the new Bid price of $1.0703, making 3 pips profit which equals $30.
The reason that in this example your profit is less by $20, is due to the fact that you have been charged a 2pips spread.
Let’s take another example using GOLD, which is denominated in USD. You decide to Sell (short) 100oz (1 lot) when the bid and ask prices were 1600.50 and 1601.00. As this is a sell position, it is opened at the Bid price of 1600.50. The price then moves down in your favour by 0.50, making the new bid and ask prices 1600.00 and 1600.50. You close the trade by buying at the new Ask price of 1600.50.
In this case, even though the price moved in your direction, you were charged the spread and your order was opened and closed at the exact same price (1600.50), meaning that your Profit or Loss is equal to 0.
Spreads are typically floating and fluctuate depending on liquidity and volatility. Volatility is affected by Liquidity and vice-versa.
If you would like to check any orders, please send an email to [email protected] from your registered email address with your account number and the order number of the trade, and we will check your enquiry and get back to you as soon as possible.
You can find the order number in your trade account tab or history tab.
Bear in mind that Buy positions are opened at the Ask price (and closed at the Bid price), whereas Sell positions are opened at the Bid price (and closed at the Ask price).
Therefore, stop losses, take profits and pending orders need to be triggered by the Bid or Ask price displayed on the price chart before being executed.
The Ask price is always higher than the Bid price as it includes the FxPro spread. Therefore, you need to take into account the spread at the time the order was triggered.
For example, if you opened a sell trade on EURUSD at 1.15700 and placed a stop loss of 1.15750, it means your stop loss will be triggered when the Ask price reaches 1.15750. So, if the spread at the time is 1.5ips, you may see your order closed when the price in the chart is only at 1.12735.
The price charts display BID prices by default. If you cannot see the current ASK price in your platform, please refer to our FAQ: How can I show the ASK price on the platform?
Liquidity, in simple terms is the ability to trade (buy and sell) an instrument and is considered good when there are many market participants interested in Buying and Selling the instrument at any volume. The easier it is to sell or buy the instrument at any given volume, the better the liquidity.
The more liquid an instrument, the tighter the spread usually, as the market participants compete to get the best prices. When there is low liquidity, the pricing is generally more erratic, and the spreads may be higher due to lower demand for the instrument.
Since every currency trade involves borrowing one currency to buy another, interest rollover charges are part of forex trading.
Interest is paid on the currency that is borrowed, and earned on the one that is bought. Swap may be positive or negative and applies whenever you leave a trade open overnight.
If you are buying a currency with a higher interest rate than the one you are borrowing, then the net interest rate differential will be positive and you will earn funds as a result. Conversely, if the interest rate differential is negative then you will be charged.
Swap also applies to non-FX instruments, due to the fact that all instruments are traded in particular currency which incurs an interest rate.
On the platforms, ’swap’ is automatically converted into the balance currency. The Operation is conducted at midnight server time (10pm UK time) and will only be charged/gained if you have an open trade at this time.
the swap is calculated and charged once every weekday, however, to account for weekends, a triple charge will take place on Wednesday for FX & metals, and on Friday for other instruments. FxPro Swap rates are in line with the Banks and are reviewed and updated on a weekly basis by the Execution department.
The up-to-date swap lists can be viewed at any time on our website in the instrument specifications or via the trading terminals.
FxPro Financial Services Limited, FxPro UK Limited 및 FxPro Global Markets Limited에 속한 고객들은 신용 카드/Visa, Visa Electron, Visa Delta, MasterCard, Maestro International 및 Maestro UK을 포함하는 직불 카드를 통한 계좌에 입금할 수 있습니다.